March 2025
Lent begins this month and, for many, it is just another process that the Church goes through every year. Lent is derived from the Latin quadragésima/quadragésimo (fortieth) and it refers to the duration of this liturgical period, which lasts 40 days.
The number 40 is highly symbolic in the Holy Scriptures. Let’s remember that the flood lasted 40 days, during which Noah and his family, as believers in God, were saved while the rest of humanity was left outside the ark because of their disbelief and died because of their hard hearts.
Jonah, a man of God, was sent to the city of Nineveh to warn the people that within 40 days God would destroy the city for its wickedness. When they heard what was coming, the people of Nineveh decided to repent, they fasted and there was a change that God saw and extended to them His Mercy. So, He decided not to destroy the city because they changed their ways.
On leaving Egypt, the people of Israel wandered throughout the desert for 40 years and a large number of them did not reach the Promised Land because they did not trust in God’s Divine Plan and died in the desert. Those who believed finally crossed the Jordan River into the land promised to them by God the Father.
What is the significance of the number 40? It is a Loving Call from God to not die without Hope. It is a process for reflecting on our life, how it is presently and how to keep us in Faith so as not to lose our way. It is a time when we are tested to see if our heart is open to hearing the Voice of God or if, on the contrary, it is hardened and leading us to pain, suffering and death. If we do not recognize the Mercy of God, we will remain outside the Ark of the Lord or dying in the desert.
Jesus began His Work, His Mission and His Ministry at the age of 30 and He did so with a plan of Prayer and Fasting in the desert for 40 days. From the beginning of His Ministry, the Lord showed us that we will all face an enemy, the evilest one, Satan. He came to Jesus, who had withdrawn into the desert, to test Him just when He felt the most vulnerable in His, Flesh, hunger “the tempter approached and said to Him, ‘If You are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread. He answered, it is written the Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every Word that comes from the mouth of God’” (Matthew 4:3-4).
Jesus shows us that we can defeat the enemy in the same way that He defeated him; it is with the Word of God. “Man does not live on bread alone”; in this is a great lesson in achieving Victory and Salvation. Otherwise, Satan takes away those who allow themselves to be seduced by temptations, enslaving them with addictions and sin, with the risk of leading us to a hell of pain suffering and death for all eternity, which is his main goal. But Jesus was sent by God the Father so we might not reach that point in time, that place, which I consider “the greatest tragedy that a human being can experience” if we do not open our hearts to the Blessed Call of God Love.
A true Catholic Christian not only strives to make changes in their life during Lent but also strives to live in God’s Grace every day of the year, because they do not want to experience the greatest tragedy anyone can experience, that is eternal damnation. Let us remember that the life of everyone in this world is temporary, that physical death is not the end and that, just as Jesus proved that He conquered death and announced that He would Resurrect those who believe in Him, so it will be for those who repent as did the people of Nineveh, they had a Metanoia, a change of life to walk according to the Will of God everyday.
I invite you to experience the Call of God, because He Loves you and sent Jesus to give His Life for you, to save you. This is how we remember Him at Easter, when He died on the Cross and all that He suffered for to open the door of Heaven to all of us who, with a contrite heart, receive the Forgiveness of our sins; that is life, Eternal Life!
In last month’s letter, I informed you of the need for ESNE to be able to move forward and to grow more. Precisely because of what I am sharing with you here, that there are still millions of our brothers and sisters who are on the path of death and if we do not bring them this Good News of God’s Love so that they may turn from their ways to Him, they will not be able to be Saved. Thanks to those who believe that this medium of El Sembrador, TV, Radio, Streaming, is being propelled by the Lord and the Holy Spirit to save souls from eternal fire.
Thanks to those who joined in this Journey with their generosity. God will multiply them, that is His promise. I pray for others who can give their financial support because God the Father has granted them His Blessings and to open up their hearts to the Call of God; if you haven’t already, join the thousands of generous people who keep this ministry going.
In all the biblical stories involving the number 40 they symbolize the concept of renewal. The Jubilee Year is a time of great blessing, a time of renewal in your life. I invite you to have a transformative experience by getting to know Jesus personally. It’s called I Am the 73; 33 days of encounter that culminates in your Consecration to Jesus, getting to know Jesus and yourself through the Holy Scriptures now and forever. Call (818) 912 -5842, or write to us at, and one of our brothers and sisters will assist you with your registration and experience Jesus as His 73rd Disciple.
To all the women, the Lord awaits you with open arms and our Mother Mary wants to embrace you as well and cover you with her mantle in a few days at the Women’s Metanoia, a weekend of miracles that, without a doubt, will happen! Come and invite your friends and family members to come with you at this annual event. Go to for more information.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this reflection and may the Lord in Heaven keep you always. My prayer for you and your family is that the Merciful God will continue to shower upon you and your loved ones the Graces necessary to continue on the path of Victory and attain Eternal Salvation, hand in hand with Mary Most Holy, our sweet Mother; with Jesus Christ, our Savior; and with the Holy Spirit, our Consoler and Sanctifier. Amen.
Your friend,