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A good father will always plan the future of his family and will always devise ways to implement it. So too, Our Heavenly Father.

I can confidently proclaim that Our Father has planned for you to experience an abundant life on earth and Eternal Life thereafter because you are Loved. Proof of my confidence is found in the scripture “I know My plans for you, plans for prosperity, not misfortune, for I will give you a future and a hope. You will call upon Me, you will come to pray to Me and I will listen to you; you will seek Me and find Me, if you seek Me with all your heart, I will let Myself be found and I will change your lot says the Lord” (Jeremiah 29:11-14).

Jesus was sent by Our Father as part of His plan of Love to save you from death; Jesus Christ confirms this plan “I came that they may have Life and have it more abundantly
(John 10:10).

Jesus came to reveal to you the plan of Love and Salvation from Our Father. The first thing He did was to prepare Himself to carry out His mission as planned by Our Father and He went to the desert to pray and fast because He would face great challenges against Satan and the world; so too you were prepared, many of you came through the desert to this land or your ancestors did. Here is a teaching for you, to remember your preparation spiritually to overcome the challenges you will face in carrying out the plan of Our Father for your life in this strange, new land called the illusion. Before His death and Resurrection Jesus said ”in the world you will have to suffer but take courage, I have overcome the world {of illusion}“ (John 16:33).

During Lent, you can see very clearly Our Father’s PLAN of LOVE through His Son, played out each week. After the death of John the Baptist, Jesus began proclaiming the Good News which is Our Father’s PLAN of Salvation. He teaches how you are to live this life and prepares you for the Eternal Life that will come after death. That is why He was also called Master because He is in control of the illusion.

In addition, Jesus lived out His mastery of the illusion by healing the sick, thus showing love for the suffering; raising the dead and freeing those oppressed by evil spirits or trapped by Satan, in Him so are you to master the illusion as His disciple. John the Baptist recognized Him as the Lamb of God because He would go on to give up His Life on the Cross for you, for your sins, as the perfect plan of Salvation ordained by Our Father before the beginning of time is fulfilled in you. The Church celebrates that after the 3rd day of His “death”, Jesus prevailed and raised from the dead; this is the VICTORY that completes the revelation of the PLAN of LOVE of Our Father that “whoever believes in Him will never die, for as He conquered death, so will all those who have decided to follow Him”, hopefully that is you. You have free will to accept Our Father’s plan or not.

His PLAN of Love is written and revealed in these 40 days of Lent. If you believe in His PLAN, you already have the path laid out for you not to be lost but saved by His LOVE. He calls to you now, offering you His unconditional Love. Life with Him is full if you truly believe.

On Saturday, March 31st 1984 during Holy Mass at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Los Angeles I recognized and accepted His PLAN of Salvation for me and ever since have lived an abundant life. I will never forget that day because it was the day my life was changed forever. Let us then thankfully celebrate the Life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, Master of the illusion. Long live Christ the King!!! Long live those who believe in Him and in Our Father’s PLAN!

I thank the Lord in advance for the thousands of women who will start living out the Metanoia, His PLAN this month in the strength from above during the weekend of March 2 and 3. In past Metanoia for Women events, thousands have been “covered with the Strength and Power of the Holy Spirit”, because you, woman, are called to Live out Our Father’s plan and you need that strength to achieve it, which this event helps provide.

I also ask for your prayers because in a few weeks we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of our apostolate, El Sembrador (ESNE) on Saturday, April 6 at 6:00 pm at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Los Angeles with the participation of Archbishop Jose H. Gomez and other bishops, priests, deacons and religious who will come to this thanksgiving celebration. Blessed be Our Father for keeping us engaged in the mission of Evangelization, united with the Church and its pastors. ESNE’s Vision is, and will continue to be, “THAT NO ONE IS LOST, ALL WILL BE SAVED”!

I wish you a very Happy Easter!

Finally, I do not want to say goodbye without first extending a warm invitation to you to join the next Consecration to Jesus opportunity that will take place virtually, beginning on Tuesday, March 5. Remember that if you would like more guidance or information on how to participate in this great project of Faith and encounter with Jesus called I Am the 73rd (YSE73) aimed at enlivening the call to be Catholics committed to evangelization and missionary activities as the 73rd Disciple of Jesus sent to master the illusion, do not hesitate to contact us at (818) 912-5847 or email us at and one of our brothers or sisters will assist you.

Thank you for your support, prayers, seeds, and offerings through the decades so that together we can continue proclaiming the Good News. May God multiply your generosity and blessing. May our Heavenly Mother cover you with a mantle of Love and her intercession for you and your family.

In Christ,
Noel Díaz.