
August 2024


One day, Jesus said to a woman named Martha “if you believe, you will see the Glory of God” (cf. John 11:40). Martha’s brother, Lazarus, had been dead for four days when Jesus spoke those words to her, and on the way to the cemetery, she did not yet understand the power that Jesus had imparted to her. Sometimes we find it hard to believe that, in fact, nothing is impossible for God.

We are blessed to be believers, but the most important thing is to believe that Jesus is alive and continues to work miracles today; that is the power of the Eucharist, to remind us that Jesus is alive and living among us today. One day, Jesus said to His followers, “for where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20) which is why we gather as a congregation during the Mass to welcome the presence of Jesus into our community of believers.

For 40 years I have witnessed the presence of Jesus at our Live Events, METANOIAS, through the manifestation of great miracles. Miracles of CONVERSION, PHYSICAL, and PSYCHOLOGICAL  HEALING; men freed from drugs, alcohol, and adultery, women who had not been able to have children for years, conceiving. Such miracles and great manifestations are the Power of God occurring regularly during these METANOIAS where more than two or three gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus; it is the fulfillment of the promise He made to us in the Gospel of Matthew 18:20.

In a few days, August 3 and 4 to be precise, we will have a Spanish language Metanoia Event in Los Angeles, and I am certain that, once again, we will see the Glory of God manifest in our midst! These experiences always confirm my Faith for these are the confirming manifestation promised to us as the Fruits of Faith. When Jesus was with the multitudes not all were healed, only those who sought Jesus in Faith experienced the healing they asked for; that’s what happened to the woman who had been suffering from a flow of blood for 12 years and as Jesus was passing by she managed to get through the crowd and touch the hem of His garment. Jesus exclaimed, “someone has touched Me.” She stepped forward, in the midst of those gathered and gave testimony of what she had done and she was healed. The secret of all this lies in what Jesus said to her: “daughter, your Faith has saved you. Go in Peace” (Mark 5:21-43).

If you attend any retreat or event of God with FAITH, including ESNE’s Live Events, you will certainly not come out the same as you went in for five things undoubtedly will happen when Jesus is present in our midst:

1. BLESSING, our Father’s Good Desire for each of His children;
2. ANOINTING, an outpouring of His Divine Grace by His Presence;
3. METANOIA, a transformation of life, a conversion; this is Salvation;
4. LIBERATION, Jesus breaks the chains of our sins, addictions, depression, anxiety and suicide;
5. JOY, you experience the happiness that only Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, can give you.

Such things are the keys the Lord uses to unlock the doors for us to live a fuller and happier life, abundant in His Grace and Mercy (John 10:10). This is the life that Jesus offers you and I invite you to come meet Him and own the promises He made to you and your people; your children, your spouse, your parents, siblings, friends and loved ones.

Our METANOIA Event always begins with the presence of Jesus, the Blessed Sacrament, through which we receive Him into our life force and invite Jesus to take control of the event, to bear witness to the experience of His presence, His anointing and His blessing in that place. From there miracles start to happen! Some people receive a miracle on the first day, others on the second day, and some may even receive a miracle once they return home if they keep their Faith and maintain their state of Grace, all in accordance with God’s will.

Those of us who have already had an encounter with the Lord or serve Him know that a true servant is one who invites and ultimately brings friends and family to such retreats and church events, a gathering of souls for the Lord to save them, especially if they are far from God’s way; in doing so you are putting the second commandment in action, to “love your neighbor as yourself”. Who is your neighbor? The person who likely bothers you; for even the heathen are nice to those they like. Bear in mind that such an opportunity is the best thing that can happen to you and you must open yourself to the Lord who says ”fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1).


If we believe that Jesus is alive, we will experience Him in the Eucharist.

We will live the experience of METANOIA in a few days. I pray to the Lord for you so that, if it is within your reach, even if it is not easy, you come, experience the presence of Jesus and His Miracles of Salvation and Healing. When Our Lady spoke with Gabriel, the Archangel, she heard these words “nothing is impossible for God” and this is how she declared herself to be the Lord’s servant by simply saying YES! (Luke 1:37-38). You too are called to be the Lord’s servant for the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; join me in the fields that ESNE has sown in your name over the years and reap the fruits of that toil. Mary believed and was able to see the Glory of God because of her Faith in God’s Promises, you can too.

When you receive this letter, I hope you can attend this METANOIA Event, to see the Glory of God through His Son, Jesus. People come from other countries to our METANOIA Events because they see on TV or hear on the radio previous METANOIA Events and they have the desire to live out their own Metanoia with us.

I pray for each person who receives this letter and thank you in advance for your donation so that ESNE does not stop, especially in these days when many people forget the importance of saving souls, “so that no one will be lost; all will be saved” (2 Peter 3:9); that is ESNE’s mission and I invite you to make it your mission too through your investment in the Kingdom of God through ESNE.

Thank you! May God the Father give you a hundredfold return on your act of Faith. Your blessings are plentiful only to the extent of your generosity; your seed will continue to bear much fruit in the good soil ESNE has prepared.

May God the Father keep you and His Son save you, and may our Holy Mother Mary cover you and wrap you under her Mantle of Love.

Your servant,