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From the moment we are born we face a separation. We are detached from our mothers; that is why cry, that is our first trauma, as some psychologists explain. Thereafter, we enter this world and are exposed to both the good and evil of our kind.

From birth, every one of us needs the love and protection of our parents as we are exposed to this world; this is the start of our stories. Either we start off on a good path or struggle from the lack of guidance and protection on a difficult path; this is when we suffer the most trauma and the enemy of our souls, Satan, manifests without our awareness. But evil is part of his influence and since we are oblivious to this enemy, and lack wisdom and discernment, evil takes advantage and brings suffering into our lives on this unguided, unprotected path.

If we could only truly understand and believe that who formed us in our mother’s womb is the Creator of the universe and the Heavenly Father Himself, as the psalmist writes “certainly you made my mind and heart, you wove me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13); and that Jesus came to show us the Father’s Love and Mercy, and with that we would see things differently. Jesus manifested His closeness to His Father to teach us that this is how we should live regardless of what path we started on, knowing that there is a Father who wants to protect us so that we can live a fulfilled life.

Each member of our family has had an impact on our development. Our father and mother, close family members, they were our first “school” and shaped who we are and how we live our lives. Part of my testimony is that I didn’t grow up with a dad, just my mom, no siblings by my side. Most of the time I was cared for by other people, as my mother had to work to put food on the table. Thus, my life was full of challenges and I often lacked a parent’s love and guidance; until the day I learned about our Heavenly Father. Right then my life entered a new phase, to live the life that God had in store for me, a life that Jesus proposes to us if we can accept it. “I have come so that they may have life and may have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Whoever believes in Him will live a life of excellence, that is, an abundant life.

In today’s culture, when we talk about luxuries, we immediately think of something beautiful, something of value; in Latin it is “luxus” and in Greek it is “hetera”. There are different descriptions of this word as being in a condition of abundance or great ease and comfort, of a high standard. If we apply this word of luxury to the spiritual life that Jesus is referring to we too are living a life of luxury, although I am not necessarily referring to the material part, a luxury house, a luxury car, etc. but nonetheless a life filled with abundant, luxurious Joy.

Some people live a life of luxury because they are millionaires and can buy whatever they like or are attracted to luxuries in order to show off to others. However, thousands of them live in great spiritual poverty, so much so that many suffer from depression and are tied to terrible addictions. Although they have all the material luxuries and live lives of pleasure, they feel empty inside and sadly, regrettably, many end up taking their own lives. We may ask how is it possible that someone that have everything they want, do not want to live anymore?

I invite you to live a luxurious life, but the kind of luxury offered by Jesus. Even if you suffer, you will continue to live a luxurious life because God has everything and with Jesus by your side, you will be able to achieve anything, even the Joy of Eternal Life. The saints lived a luxurious life in spiritual terms and you and I can live that same kind of life.

Jesus said “where your treasure is, there is your heart’ (Mt 6:21). If my treasure is in my faith in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and additionally, the treasure of the intercession of our Mother Mary, St. Joseph and the other saints who lived the abundant life, then I know that I am living a life of luxury! Therefore, let us treasure this life by investing in receiving the Eucharist, where Jesus is alive, in prayer, in reading the Sacred Scripture, and in giving witness to our experience of Christ through serving our brothers and sisters in some type of ministry; by generously supporting your parish or organizations that are doing good things for humankind. We should do all this, especially for those who live a life of great spiritual poverty, in order lead them out of poverty and for them to experience a life of richness and abundance in Christ.

To attain the life of luxury that I have just described, there is an experience that I recommend for any woman, man, or young person, an encounter with the Love of God the Father through His Son, that is in consecrating yourself to Jesus Christ through the I Am the 73rd Project. Join us and do not hesitate to contact us at (818) 912-5842 or write to us at so that one of our counselors can help you with your registration and to begin this journey towards a new luxurious Life in God through Jesus.

At the bottom of this letter, you will find a QR code that you can scan with your cell phone to go directly to the registration form. In addition, I would like to congratulate those who are preparing for their consecration and will complete their experience on July 27th. I encourage you to persevere, because I know that the life of luxury that you long for has already begun for you. Cheer up!

I thank you all for your financial and spiritual contributions and support that enable us to continue spreading the Good News through TV, Radio, Streaming and events like I am the 73rd that transform lives. Your monthly seed is transformed by the Lord into an authentic seed of Love. I pray for you to our beloved Jesus, so that the Heavenly Father embraces you with His Love and our Lady, the Virgin of Carmen, covers you with her mantle and protection. Let it be!